Cefpodoxime Proxetil Tablets
    Publish time 2016-08-25 14:24    

Broad antimicrobial spectrum, it has activity in the presence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria;

Stable with β-lactamase, and with a strong antimicrobial activity.

Cefpodoxime Proxetil Tablets

Product Information:

Broad antimicrobial spectrum, it has activity in the presence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria;

Stable with β-lactamase, and with a strong antimicrobial activity.


【Product Category】The third-generation cephalosporin


Cefpodoxime Proxetil tablets are indicated for the treatment of patients with mild to moderate infections caused by susceptible organismas listed below.

1.Pneumonia, acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitissphagitis (throat abscess), tonsillitis(peritonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess), bronchiectasis (when infected) andsecondary infection of chronic respiratory disease

2.Pyelonephritiscystitis and gonococcal urethritis


4.Folliculitis (including pustular acne), furunclecarbuncle, erysipelas, cellulitis,lymphangitislymphnoditispyogenic paronychiasubcutaneous abscess,hidradenitisacneagminate, infectious atheroma and perianal abscess

5.Bartholinitis and bartholin gland abscess

6.Otitis media and paranasal sinusitis

【Dosage and Administration】

The usual Adult Dose: 0.1 g per dose (i.e. two tables), administrated orally in two divided doses after meal; appropriately increasing or decreasing the dose, depending on the age and symptom of the patient; for severe patient or patient with unsatisfied effect, increasing the dose up to 0.2 (i.e. four tablets), and administrated orally in two divided doses after meal.



50mg, 100mg (calculated on the basis of C15H17N5O9S2)


 Contact Us —

 Address:No.281, Nanhai Avenue, Haikou, Hainan,

 570311, PRC

Tel:+86 898-68639900


 Contact Us —

 Address:No.281, Nanhai Avenue, Haikou, Hainan,

 570311, PRC

Tel:+86 898-68639900
